
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A True Guru

This comes from the heart of one Ramananda John E. Welshons, spiritual teacher -- wisdom worth heeding:

A True Guru:
* Teaches only Love, and asks for nothing in return
* Liberates you from suffering, rather than liberating you from your money
* Touches your Heart rather than touching your body
* Shows you how to find the wisdom in your own Being rather than trying to impress you with how much unique knowledge and power they possess
* Reminds you that happiness comes not from getting what you want, but from getting free of wanting
* Focuses more on compassion than on chakras; more on kindness than on kundalini, more on selflessness than on samadhi, more on Truth, trust, and tenderness than on tantra
* Teaches you – by example – how to love, serve, be kind, and be generous
* Helps you realize the long-term effects of words, deeds, and actions
* Helps you let go of your attachment to separateness – your body, your mind, and your personality – rather than magnifying the importance of these identities.
You will know a true Guru if:
* All they want from you is that you go to God
* They teach you to Love rather than teaching you to fear
* They focus on the Light of the Creator rather than the darkness of the world
* They lead by example and walk their talk
* They inspire a deep love and peace in you rather than a fascination with the energies they can arouse and manipulate
If all – or most – of these qualities are present, then you have probably found a teacher you can trust.
But if they drive up in a brand new Mercedes-Benz or a shiny Rolls-Royce . . . and tell you that your liberation will come through paying them lots of money to have the benefit of their uniquely wonderful teachings . . . my advice would be to put one hand over your wallet, the other hand over your heart . . . and gently back out of the room.
A true teacher teaches only Love . . . and asks for nothing in return.
May you be blessed to find the One True Guru . . . the One who resides eternally in your own Heart . . .

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