
Friday, April 26, 2013

Get 'er done!

If not now, when?
                   If not me, then who?

What are you waiting for ??!
                   Get 'er done!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Evolution and original sin

Do you believe that people ( I won't use "beings" or "aliens") from other planets or dimensions have been instrumental in guiding the human race's evolution?
If this is a truth, a recurring question is: "Where are they? - Why don't they come by and continue to teach us the technologies they have fashioned?" Basically, the human race has not evolved in the way they thought it might. Their intercourse with humans tens of thousands of years ago did not produce physical bodies which were any better than theirs. Our "wiring" still contains the propensity for violence which they themselves experienced. Their DNA is flawed, and so is ours.
Over the years, they have inspired and interceded to teach humanity how to overcome this propensity toward violence -- teachers, masters, gurus in every age have reiterated the dictum: "Love one another - forgive one another - love your enemy - do no harm to another living being - walk the extra mile - do to one another as you would have others do to you, etc., infinitum" - words of encouragement offered by thousands more souls than the ones we have put on a pedestal - Buddha, Jesus, Francis of Assisi, Confucius, Lao Tsu, Lincoln, Gandhi, Cayce, MLK, etc. And still, our violent animal nature tends to override the efforts we make to change and allow our divine nature to shine through.
I often struggled with the idea of "original sin", the sin we are told we are born with (in the Catholic tradition). How can a newborn carry any sin at all? But yes, we are born with a "sin" - the propensity toward violence and behavior which breaks our connection with one another. And every spiritual master, teacher, guru has taught us how to overcome it - by learning to Love - by practicing Compassion. It is Compassionate Loving which reconnects us with one another, which establishes peace in one's own heart, and which can transform another heart to love and be compassionate. The more we learn how to connect, the more we can truly bring what Jesus calls "The Kingdom of God" into this material experience. (The Kingdom of God is already here among us - we have lost the ability to "see" and experience it.)
The best mantra to learn and to repeat in our minds, is: "Everything is connected." Because in truth, everthing IS connected, on the level of Being, in the heart of hearts of Limitless Being, from which everything, ALL of Life, springs. If we can only learn that we are really all the same, with variations, we would not decide to harm one another. For then we would understand that in harming others, we only harm ourselves. And when we harm ourselves, we limit the expression of Being, who only wishes to create new and wonderful ways to be.
I certainly recognize all the good which is done in the world. Without it, we would be cannibalistic animals. But it seems that not everyone in the world sees the good which can be done through even a minimal practice of compassion. Perhaps if they did, their hearts could change, too.
So, why don't our ancestral "teachers" come back to help us? Why don't they show themselves and teach us more? Because we have not learned to love. Our ethics - as a species - is terribly flawed, and there would be those who through egoistic and misguided faith would misuse the gift of knowledge these people could share with us. Namaste.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is this hell?

Concentration camps in N. Korea,
Guantanamo, Cuba, the Mideast, Asia,
Fanatic Muslims terrorizing whole countries,
Pirates on the seas,
Megalomanica "leaders" in Africa and Indonesia.

Cities of unrelenting poverty in South America,
Haiti, Africa, Indonesia, Central America,
Dominican Republic, the USA.

Mafias in Mexico,
Gangs of hatred in America
and on all continents,
Unscrupulous businesses
and businessmen.

Mentally unstable roaming the streets of the world,
with weapons,
Racists and a variety of bigots,
lack of love.

Delusional loyalists,
Injustices perpetrated by
selfish egoists,
less and less respect for others,
Fears overwhelming
for lack of love.

Forced ignorance
and bullies,
The raping of the planet,
and lack of love.

If not for the beauty of this earth
and the moments of joy --
If not for instances of love and support --
If not for the freedom to be creative
and purposeful --
If not for the faithful
whose works bring balance to the globe --

This would be hell --
Well -- is it?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Volcanic Menstruation

Volcanic Menstruation

From the boiling fire,
rock flows,
then freezes.
First life pioneers paint the gray rock
with a palette of green,
eating the rock,
regurgitating the soil
which lays in wait for the first settlers.
From early soils
royal life takes root,
growing a community skyward,
inviting mobile life to live and flourish,
until the next boiling fire
cleanses all --
and a new world is born.

agd 2013

Written after watching a documentary on the volcanic activity which forms and renews life in the Indonesian Archipelago.

Wake up!

So many souls are yet asleep -
Should I wake therm?
Will they understand?
Will they rejoice?
Will they grieve?
Will they stand the pain?

I will play my harp
to soothe their minds.

agd 2012

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gun Control

If anyone in Congress begins a filibuster when voting begins on this most needed bill, he/she ought to be fired and replaced. I think the American public is becoming increasingly impatient with the waste of time and our taxes by Congress. What are they there for?? To serve the interests of the American public they represent, not their own or their lobbyists' agendas.

In The End

"Everything will be all right in the end. If it is not all right, it is not the end."  Line from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.