
Friday, January 20, 2017

Living Fully

I've come across a number of references in media lately which point to the fact that this earthly life is really a hell for another dimension, or another world. There's even a show - The Good Place, which acts out the analogy. The intensity of this life, the innate, violent human nature, the violent universe, making one another suffer  for one thing or another - all very telling activities which we are always struggling to balance, trying to do away with "evil" and "injustice", yet they speak of a suffering which is the bottom line of this life. Hence the "religious" urgings to retreat from the surface of this world into the world which is our home - maybe changed? maybe healed (spiritually)? 
And in the end, it is all the Beloved, because it's all God's Life, all God's thoughts, all God's promptings, all God's experiencing through every one of us - an unfathomable thought, and one which can only make me smile.
And still, in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give (Beatles). 
"Live out the drama as best you can, and marvel at it" is all the advice I want to give anyone now.
Uuuu - new political leadership begins today - or maybe Monday - hmmm .....   let's see what he does when the earthquakes start. 
Don't live only on the surface - keep connected to the Source, to the Beloved - observe and do what you can.

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