
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Little Merry Christmas to you!

Epiphany - January 6th, 2013

Today is Epiphany - The Revelation - revealing the true nature of Jesus of Bethlehem/Nazareth - Son of God and Son of Man. Revealing His nature reveals to us our true nature as well -- Does not Scripture say that you are gods, and children of the Most High? His nature is our nature - God-filled, Mega-creative, Love-inspired. Live as such. Here is a prayer that sums up the meaning our celebration of Christmas. May your mind always be set toward the Star.

O God, who sent fire from heaven upon the sacrifice offered by Elijah, the prophet of the Anointed One; who led the children of Israel through the desert with the pillar of fire; who led wise men from the East to the house of Wisdom by a fiery star; and who fulfilled the prophecy of John the Forerunner by sending the Christ who baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire: Pour your blessing upon this Epiphany flame that it may be a reminder to all of the true Light who came into the world as at this time, and who ignites us with the Holy Spirit to lead us on our pilgrimage with the fire of his Love; through Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, who lives and reigns with you and the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.  Twelve Days

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