
Monday, September 24, 2012

Warriors of the Rainbow

Here is an article from a Cree (North American First Nation) seer:

These are not new ideas - but they should help us to realize that living solely in the material world lacks depth and reality. We are spiritual beings living in material bodies. The material body's health depends on the venue in which it lives --- we need to care for it, allow it to grow by nature, not by our meddling in it's evolution. God, the Great Spirit, the Om in all, the Designer, knows well how to manage creation. Yes, we need to re-learn how to live WITH Nature, and not work at CONQUERING Nature. This plaintive cry for common sense is falling on the deaf ears of people and corporations only interested in making a buck. Love Nature, Respect the Earth and ALL its inhabitants, including other humans here to learn and grow in their own cultural provinces. Respect t the differences and learn from them. Selah.

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