
Monday, August 27, 2012

Hierarchy of Souls

I am more and more amazed that Christianity has, for so many centuries, twisted the understanding of the Afterlife and created a fear of death and a fear of the afterlife in its adherents. Why is that? It is truly an example of man creating God in a human image, and not understanding the heart of God. Jesus taught us to love God, and that God is Love. And we "say" (but do we believe) that Jesus conquered death - not just for himself, but for all, teaching us not to fear death, a necessary part of human, material life. So what's to fear? Fear is a part of material life, judgement is a part of material life, of human ways, not of God's ways. In this beautiful but limited world, humans have created an hierarchy of life which has been handed down for thousands of generations. There are leaders and there are followers - there are the responsible (righteous) and the irresponsible (criminals) - and we judge in each culture what the parameters of acceptable behavior are, and what the appropriate action should be taken to right the wrongs, or to praise the righteous.
Aggh - this is getting too wordy!! The skinny ---  The hierarchy of human life functions through authority and power created in each culture on earth. Acceptable behavior is lauded; unacceptable behavior is punished.  And we fear the judgement of our actions.
The Hierarchy of the Afterlife is  quite different -- It is not an hierarchy of power and authority, but an hierarchy of Wisdom, Understanding and Compassion. Sure, we have to acknowledge our errors and review our life and the choices we made, both good and bad, but there is NO ONE there to condemn us for our mistakes. We have guides and soulmates who help us to look honestly at our previous life and to glean what we can for our own growth and fulfillment. Fear and shame give way to understanding and responsibility for our actions, and the karma we have created can be molded into a new life and experience in the earth.

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