
Saturday, December 26, 2009


It's time to revive the true season of Christmas. The four weeks before Christmas is called Advent, a time to prepare interiorly for the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, The Anointed. Dec. 25 (even though this is most likely NOT the actual date of his birth) is the spiritual celebration of Jesus. But the material celebration should start AFTER the 25th of Dec. - from Dec. 26 to Jan. 6 - the traditional Twelve Days of Christmas. This is the true SEASON of Christmas - a time to dispel the darkened days of winter with light, celebration and revelry. Why? Because the birth of Jesus changed the world. And if more souls, especially those who call themselves Christians, would live the teachings of this extraordinary soul, the world would certainly be changed even more than it is now.
I believe it has been the principles of Jesus' teaching which has brought us into our present modernization of society. At the core of his teaching is Love, just plain Love - Love of God, Love of Life, Love of Neighbor. Live this to the fullest, and make a difference in the world! Peace and blessings.

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