
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Violence and Nature

Humans always want to experience MORE - of whatever it might be - taste, visuals, sound, pain, risk - to the edge, and then some - and it seems that this material life is all about that - not the "classroom," "let's learn how to be 'better' persons, advancing in soul-power." Please! We are clouded by the evolution of human history, creating "morals" and "ethics" which work one way in one community and another way 2,000 miles away. Bah. It's all an illusion anyway. It's a drama - yes, Will, the world is a stage, and yes, we are all players upon it. Why? Ask the Beloved (I hear a snicker, and a shoulder shrugged - a squirm, even). Meh.
I'm not apathetic. I sense a great divide between the maniacal activity we observe all around us, and the silent "I AM," even though there is a connection, in fact, they are one. There is only One. You and I are miniscule parts of a cosmic brain CELL in which this iotic world plays out its dramas. And they are dramas. And they have and they will pass into memory and hardly be brought up except by the One who relishes all the variety of human experience. 
Yet, each one of us are so unaware of the false ego which impels me and you to be involved and be compassionate and be filled with joy and be violent and be angry and be happy and be depressed, that we actually think it all matters. Meditation calms the vibration of  conscious activity to a near stand-still - and when it stops there is no experience until consciousness begins to wiggle and increase in intensity and we "wake up" again in our little life. As the vibrations of our experiences increase, we move and act in our lives in our province and we can ride to the edge of violence - and may be propelled into chaos - mentally, emotionally, physically. Socially,  extreme activity (vibration) is not acceptable. The utopian society we seem to be trying to build (the kingdom on earth) is populated by middle-of-the-road citizens, vibrating at an acceptable mean. Anything outside that mean is an aberration and is not tolerated.
But that's NOT what the Cosmic Mind wants!! Just look at this universe and all the intensity and violence we are learning about. My God, we are moving in the vacuum around us at unimaginable speeds! And we just report that fact as if it were nothing to be concerned about. Why not? Just look at our earth without us and see how extreme the earth-experience can be in itself- nothing remains calm and peaceful for very long - there is always upheaval and re-creation. Violence is what makes life "interesting." But the statement, and this whole diatribe, must be understood on a level of self-awareness not everyone experiences. Samadhi is not a common experience.
Yes, if everyone meditated we might have the ideal society, a middle-of-the-road citizenry vibrating within reason. But it could never remain that way. The variety of human experience we are aware of globally teaches us that variety truly is the spice of Life, a Life that is not ours, but which we are a part of, for better or worse, until death do us part.
Can we live in peace? Sure - if everyone's on the same page.

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