
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Never alone

I had my '04 Forester serviced Friday  oil change. They were renovating the dealership, so I went to the Firefly Cafe in Kernstown - lovely place.

Waiting for Suby,
sitting in Firefly,
lunch crowd thinning,
passing the time,
lonely forms
at lonely tables,
listening to the top 40…
haven't since…..
Savoring a cappuccino,
waiting for Suby's
therapist to call
(getting fluids renewed),
passing the time,
could be home,
passing the time,
a lone form
in a lone chair,
though never alone.
These molecules
which touch me,
which I touch today
once kissed an Asian wet nurse,
a Capuchin friar,
a Cistercian nun,
Buddha's ass,
a monkey's filthy paw.
I am Jesus.
You are, too.

I am contrived of atoms
that once formed the shit
of dinosaurs,
of spermatozoa swimming vaginal canals
dying before reaching a goal only God knew existed.

Constant transformation,
eternal flux is this world,
morphing continually
into a future only God
can dream of.

All is as it should be.
Oh, please,
Fuck ethics.

Day 30

Friday, September 29, 2017

'Tis Autumn

Trailing vines of
yellow-orange orbs,
a field of future jack-o-lanterns
and pumpkin pies,
spiced just right
to tempt the nostril
and please the tongue.

'Tis Autumn,
the Fall of the year,
harvest time,
canning time,
apple butter
and corn teepees,
cool turning cold,
frosted vines,
piles of tree hair
blown about by crisp winds.

'Tis Autumn,
Nature's time to rest.
And we should do the same!

Day 29

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Scurries the auburn,
many-footed furball
seeking a safe nest,
lest winter's angry breath
crushes its life,
sucking out its portion of chi.

Humans wrap and cover,
animals hibernate,
insects hide in places unseen,
'til Spring's longer rays
wake them,
warm them into
a newer season of Life.

Cooler breezes,
duller greens,
brighter hues of
fire and sun,
showering leaves of gold
and loamy browns
whisper to all:
"Make ready your rest,
guard your slumber,
and may it be a gentle night."

Day 28

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

New Shoes

Late September morn,
More like August haze
Clear sky and pulsing star
Beating heat upon my brow.
A good walk, 
A soothing pedi,
Waiting for Suby's new shoes.

Day 27

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Be Watchful

What a wonderful world!
Full of beauty and inspiration
in art, science, music,
rife with invention.

Yet the biggest egos
yell the loudest
causing the rifts
and cultural shifts,
shock the heart
and numb the mind,
staining the day
with splatters of gray.

What will come?
What will come?

The games they play
for egos sated,
drag the rest of us
into the fray, weighted
with fright.

Lost lives,
wonders never invented,
poems never written,
songs never heard,
culture is smitten
with stupid hate games.

What will come?
What will come?

Be attentive, my friend.
Be attentive!

Day 26

Monday, September 25, 2017


Slowly creeping dark,
deepening the night
as chi of plant and vine
conserves and regresses,
leafing the mount
with rainbow hues
that whisper "Rest," and warn us
of our own need to retreat
and recoup from the
summer's jaunts.

One day a week,
one season a year
given time to reflect,
to refuel, to replenish,
to reinvent oneself
and step forward
renewed, revived,
refreshed, improved,
to venture madly into
a new Moon's Day
or another Spring.

Day 25

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Boys Will Be Boys

Is it time to revisit
the drills of my childhood?
--Siron --Alert!
Get under the desk!
A lot THAT will do
to protect my neck!

You boys need to stop
your stupid antics.
You are angry children,
unloved, ego-driven,
bullying the world around you
with childish names
and fearful games.

Neither of you are worthy
of the leadership you've assumed.
How did that happen, anyway?
Who gave them such power?
Well, you did, folks. You did.

Some would say,
"Boys will be boys!"
But that just allows
the bullying to continue
trashing with so much
empty noise.
You both need a 
smack in the head!

So rise up and relieve them,
put them in a corner,
and find wise,
compassionate leaders
who are not angry children,
but adults who know
how to imbue the Common Life
with the Tao of Peace.

Day 24

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Planet X

Aligned stars and planets
today foretell a foreboding,
as most signs must.

But should it hold
any truth,
what more could we do
than pull up a chair,
pour a glass of spiced wine,
light a fresh joint
and enjoy the show?
Mazel Tov.

Day 23

Friday, September 22, 2017

Happy Fall!

Driving down the lane,
the scene begins to change,
each day anew,
colors changing hue.

The greens a bit duller,
but yellows bright,
reds burning,
and bright orange lights.

Fewer leaves,
and more sky
trees shower their golden leaves
as I drive by.

Tis Autumn, the season when fall
the trees' lungs and tongues,
a season to attest
to the coming of winter's rest.

Good rest, my brethren,
may the chill not destroy
but revive your hearts,
so that, come Spring
you will employ
a new season with joy.

Day 22

Thursday, September 21, 2017

On the March

On the march,
stinkbugs and spiders
seeking the warmth
of home and hearth.

But, one by one,
I enforce their eviction,
a few less surprises
when Spring arises.

What a wonderful world.

Day 21

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


As the air cools,
and short become the days,
as the colors of nature change,
and fly away the jays,

We harvest all the fruit
and store them for the cold
days of winter coming,
as in seasons have of old.

Be thankful for the pantry,
able to feed and nourish
heart and soul thru winter,
so we would not perish.

And pray for those without,
and help the millions starving
when we trash out-of-dates
and find our choices alarming.

Fairness is an illusion,
Life's joys sporadic,
maybe it's better not to know.
Just pass the haddock……

Day 20

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Pent up with words
I penned a poem
pressing the possibility
of prognosticated dreams.
Not pleasing to all,
these premonitions
of demise.
Not placating,
not petting the mind, as
"There, there, my pet."

Portents pernicious,
testing my patience,
pirating my peace.

Yet, I put it all aside,
preparing the path
to perform and pace
through another perfect day.

Day 19

Monday, September 18, 2017


On the fringes of mind
buzz prophecies once told,
a virgin in the sky giving birth,
Jupiter moving out of Virgo?
Then a new body,
but old, passing across the sun,
disrupting those lifeless rocks
like a game of marbles,
sending a shower of fire.
Could be?
Could be.
9.23.2017 - The beginning.

Day 18

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Speak Silence, Please.

 I heard a renowned writer say:
"I speak silence better than
English or Spanish."

From the silence
come words of wisdom,
a sense of wonder,
and invention.
How vast this universe alone.
How infinite its
And all arise from
the silence which
flows like a river
beneath the surface
of everything.

You look upon my face,
and you judge.
I unlatch your outerness,
and love sees love
and smiles,
and our speech
is ought but silence.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Play Time?

On the golden shore
she plays with water and sand.
No thoughts of before,
no thoughts now demand
while the miracle of life
plays its symphony,
even amidst contrived strife
and ego'd infamy.

Tis a joy,
Tis a mystery,
plans to employ,
creating new history.

Play, child, and revel now,
your time is nigh
to dance and sing and help somehow
to harmonize and deify.

Day 16

Friday, September 15, 2017

Tails and Claws

Tails and claws,
hairballs and mauls,
a kitty's day is full and tiring.

But so admiring,
to be self-cleaning
and self-healing,
and sometimes delirious.

A quiet companion
who knows you
and shows you
affection when needed,
and warnings to be heeded.

A snuggle,
a buggle,
a paw in the face,
a hop with grace,
no words aloud,
but in the cloud
commune the hearts
of friends.

Day 15

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cycles of TIme

As the days shorten
and the air cools,
it's time to rake the leaves
and close the pools (for some).

Insects begin to burrow,
animals prepare a nest,
snow is coming
or freezing air at best.
(Who knows?)

It's a time for respite,
for reflection
and recuperation.
Warm fires, hot soups
and blankets help us
thru the duration.

Another cycle of time continues
as the hair thins
and the spirit renews.

Day 14

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jose, Can't You Sea?

Irma left in a huff,
thither and yon,
and spent herself in tears.
Jose runs in a circle, lost,
til he finds her trail
and follows.
What will be the cost?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It's Always Somethin'

As Roseanna Rosanadana's Nana
used to say:

"It's always somethin'.
If it's not one thing, it's another,
but it's always somethin'."

RMSF gave rise to PMR:
Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
Go figure.
It's always somethin'.


I married the wind
and danced across the blue sea,
but none welcomed me.

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Time To Remember

In the late 60s I lived in New Jersey. I painted the New York skyline with the brand new World Trade Center Towers - so impressive a sight. But then I framed the view with flames. Premonition?

Today we remember ---
the victims,
the perpetrators,
the heroes,
the trauma of that day
and its aftermath.
It's hard to forget,
even harder to forgive,
but that is what will heal.

For as little as we can do
to right the injustice,
God alone knows every heart,
and God alone can heal
the wounds and mete out karma.
What goes around, comes around.

Be vigilant,
practice compassion,
practice forgiveness,
move on.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Today's Pain

I want to write about...
and hope,
but today I cope
with the pain,
such a drain.

No sympathies do I seek,
but I must express
the distress
of bodily functions gone awry.

Not alone am I, of course,
but I cannot divorce
myself  from Brother Body
while awake,
there's no break,
save in the Secret Garden
where through breath and mantra
there's no body, no pain.
Blessed with this sacred respite,

I shan't go insane.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


A cool breeze in summer,
a warm wisp in Spring.
Wind can be coy,
and wind can destroy.
Mother's clearing the land
for greater things.
Pay attention!

agd 9.9.17 Day 9

Friday, September 8, 2017

National '&' Day

Blue skies & cool airs --
September morn
all over again.

Yet, hurricanes & fires,
earthquakes & terrorists
shatter  the blue skies
& smog the cool airs.
Even my inner landscape
is darkened & thick with smoke.

Prayer & Breath,
my only respite,
as the One True Sun

burns away the dross.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


The sun gleams,
the earth spins,
and the moon,
enamored with Gaia,
cannot bear to shift
her tantric gaze
from the splendor of Terra:
nary a blink.
But has she ever seen the sun?
Has she?
One glance at Sol,
and Luna would be
bewitched by his light,
and Gaia would die

from a broken heart.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Secret Garden

Deep within
there is a place
where neither time
nor space, nor event,
nor illness can touch.

There, is the heaven
we all long for.
carried within us all the time,
that seemingly
Secret Garden,
never closed,
always an open portal
awaiting our homecoming.
(The Kingdom of God is within you.)
Always connected to the Source.

Through prayer
and focused breath,
one step at a time
I enter into the quantum pool
til immersed fully,
I breathe that sweet,
lustrous element anew
and remember:



Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor of Love

I make the bed,
brew the coffee,
wash the clothes,
feed the cats,
prepare a class,
write a poem,
sketch a drawing,
mow the grass,
cook a meal,
play the harp.

Whether for me
or for others,
each action
is work.
A work to complete
a life edged
with wonder and

Responding to the moment
is the key to success.
And no matter if
befallen by challenges
(and there will be challenges),
it is still all a

Labor of Love.
