
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Come Home 2

My, how you've grown!
You know your body,
the circuit of the stars,
how Nature builds Life,
how to deal with strife,
and challenge, and Life.

And yet, you fear
the very things
that carry you
one step beyond:
Your futile attempts
are but memory bytes,
and your co-dependence on ego
pulls you back into the dream.

Separateness is a deception.
Though variant Life
is entertaining,
there is only One.

Would that Anu
could return,
or Ea or Danu,
or Jehoshua,
to carry you over
the threshold...

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Night Thief

Three beeps
from the fire alarm
at 2:30 a.m.
leaving me to wonder.

Three beeps -
"Who is it?"
Just an incoming storm
and thunder.

Three beeps
to warn me of what?
All it did was plunder…

my dream.

Day 29

Friday, April 28, 2017

Apple Blossom

Shed the parkas for
a celebration of Spring,

Apple Blossom Bloom!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dont Judge

Did I promise
to change the world?
Was I damaged at birth
so I could not function fully?
Could I have disciplined more?
Did perfection of a life past
get lost in the carnal urges
of this life?

In a dream,
my teacher was not pleased.
But I am not here to please him.
I am here to be here.
I am here for you.
I am here,


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Staging Life

Words, not mine,
words for visions heard
and songs seen
in the divine pool of
all possibilities.

Stand offstage
and the drama continues,
the players wrought
with sweat and glumdrops
and dreamsicles of whatever.

Enter stage left and suffer,
Leave stage right and wonder
what possibilities could have been.

But if not in one is realized,
another grabs the script
and fulfills the purpose.

Either way, you might say,
is Life's Plan accomplished.
Nothing is lost.
All is fulfilled.
No regrets.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sky Tears

All is gray, and
cocooned by water-soaked clouds
the sky tears descend,
and I, like in
a drumming circle,
am massaged by
the random beats
upon the tin.

Does anything still exist
beyond the gray?

Only I,
as the sky's tears
beat rhythms
white noise
lulling me to center,
plunging deeply
urged by the
visceral chanting
of the sky's tears
upon the crown,
pass through
the tearing eye,

Monday, April 24, 2017


Deep Down

Like a pearl in
A carafe of Dawn,
Sounds above fading,
Silence below cascading,
then up is not down,
and where is not here,
and never alone


Sunday, April 23, 2017


Imprisoned by
isms, ologies and phobias,
jostled by opinions and maybes,
Truth is ignored
and Life is missed.

Jesus came not
to empty carcels,
but to set free
who are imprisoned by
isms, ologies and phobias,
to set you free to experience
the miracle called Life,
and to embrace
the simple Truth
that is
so many stories,
yet is only One Life.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Earth Day

Brother Wind
is Mother's Breath
upon the skin of Gaia.
Brother Sun is
Father's warm embrace.
Sister Moon gives light to dreams
and softens dark nights.
Mother Earth births being,
God's miracles,
Dad's Life.


Friday, April 21, 2017


In silence they glide,
grey, white, dark, light,
         swirled, feathered, puffed…

Blue accessorized.


Thursday, April 20, 2017


Daily words
Across and down,
food for minds,
I scurry around
to solve the clues.

One a day
like poems and rhymes,
deepens the engrams
and passes the time
with a morning brew.

Words galore,
Endless chore,
Read some more.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


A fun challenge - I won!
A party of convenience -
They believe me!

It takes only 140
to be taken in
by startling comments
and stunning denouncements.

A chuckle here,
a gasp there.
How easily they're fooled.
I'm doing nothing illegal, right?

But for how long?
Charades are just a game,
and then it ends.

But I still ask: How?
And I still ask: Why?

A snicker, a snort,
and a tear.

Ah well -
That chocolate almond mousse
looks good.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Just Tuesday

The greens of Spring,
cool morning breeze,
birds sing.

The sky sighs,
cloudless and blue,

Quiet scenes,
a horse neighs far,



Monday, April 17, 2017


Deep in the myth of Time
Burns the non-fire of Love
Within the mind of the Divine
Burns the fire of Being.
When the world burns out,
from the ashes a new world rises,
so Brahma can create anew,
and Vishnu can play again.

Even gods have purpose.

agd - Day 17

Sunday, April 16, 2017

He Is Risen

In voices of harmony
and grand aplomb,
in the midst of lilies
and water and flame,
this day, the Anointed One,
the Christ rises once again
to shepherd us to Life.


Saturday, April 15, 2017


I once believed Church
and Temple and Mosque
existed to preserve and teach
the heart of God
revealed in Word and Ritual.

And now I know
its reason for being has evolved
to preserve its institution
at all costs.
It saves its own …
It serves its own … to exist.

Not the fault of Buddha,
Jesus or Muhammad,
enlightened splendours.
The fault is with dimly lit
followers falling short of splendor,
mistaking the Messenger
and the message as the goal.

DO what they say,
PRACTICE the message.
SUCH is their purpose for being.

So what is the purpose of God,
of the Universe, of Being?
It exists not in the fabrication
of word or ritual --
God plays no favorites.

God's purpose is singular ---
It is ---- Life --- nothing less.

Existence is Being's purpose,
Creation is Universe's purpose,
Life is God's purpose.
WE are God's purpose --- nothing less.


Friday, April 14, 2017


Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Bomb the hell out of them!

Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Kill the arts funding,
give it to war!

Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Close the gates, build the wall,
open the mines, close your minds.
It's OK -- I'm in charge… right?

Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Stop whining, we are the greatest!
We're going to win,
"they" are losers!

Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Economics runs the country
and I know business, right?
Let's make a deal!

Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
Trump, trump, trump, trump,
I love America!
Right, kids?


Bytes of tragedy
once done,
heard anew.
A day shattered,
dreams scattered
to the phantom grays
of maybe not.

Sounding the memory
revives the senses,
and the vision
of pastel horror
only helps to loose
a cataract of tears.

Such things hue
a whole life,
can stifle a hope,
or mold a
compassionate heart.

I'm still hungry.

agd - Remembering the tragedy at Virginia Tech

Thursday, April 13, 2017


My eyes fill with tears,
my heart cries, too,
when, polluted with lies,
men's minds fill with fears.

The Spindle-whorl,
of ages past a sign
of success and good fortune
by such as Artemis,
Buddha, Aztec and Hopi
and more,
turned evil by
an insane man's designs,
and now is as valued as
a pile of shit
in the eyes of the world.

Go figure.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Door and the Key

"Knock, and the door will be opened." Matt 7:7; Luke 11:9
"The Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

Wisdom and truth are universal.

What Am I?

It's a good day,
just hangin' around until
those air-borne beasts arrive.

I can't move, can't defend,
but then, why should I?
So I just let them peck
and pick out my guts.
It keeps them alive.

It's great when I'm full,
when empty I am alone.
But I will survive

and continue to serve

if you seed my insides.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Your Life

So many varied combinations
of atoms and molecules,
particles and waves,
this world of matter,
in solids, gasses, liquids,
infinitely-waved hues
and songs of love.

You, in your fiery robes,
fueling everything.
Your flaming breath
warming everything.
Your unseen fire
animating everything,
a molten curtain
hidden behind the curtain
of everything ablaze
reveals the stage
where we act out Your drama,
where we live Your Life.