My friends:
I came across this presentation about Near Death Experiences and Shared Death Experiences and thought some of you might find it interesting. If not, no problem. I have been a proponent of understanding and discussing openly about death as an integral part of life. I have called myself an "End of Life Journeyman" - ready to help people in their end of life transition. I understand this is not a popular subject, and most people don't want to focus on dying and death but rather focus on life and living. Sure. But death is an integral part of life, and we should want to "make friends" with death -- Sister Death, as St. Francis callled it (not a he or she, but a personalized experience).
This video is an intro to a course being offered - which might or might not be advantageous and informative for you. But the video might spur you on to explore an area of Life you may have been avoiding. Let me know what you think if you watch it.
At one point I was considering facilitating a "Death Cafe" but haven't moved on that. It would be interesting but very complicated, dealing with so many perspectives - famiily, culture, religion, politics - don't know if I have the energy to contend with all the contingencies, but would like to explore it.
I am open to discussing End of Life issues, and welcome your questions.
Shared Crossing Project
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