
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Glimpse of Nowhere

A Glimpse of Nowhere - on SoundCloud

Down the quiet road
this misty morn
my eye raises to see
the eye of God
peering at me
thru the grayness
lighted by that yellow orb
that Life-giving death ray ---
and another day
has begun.

Upon the edge of nowhere
upon the blue haze of Gaia’s shawl
I stand suddenly
transported in awesome clarity.
I see no wall, no edge,
no top, no bottom,
but an endless nothing
which is yet something
and is everything---
from my fragile perch.

I know and I am known.

And yet the noir vista
is filled with Light
that casts no shadow.
It is filled with Life
that we may never know of
the variety,
the stories---
but all are heaped
onto the expanding
haystack of Being.

In the quiet
beyond the aural screeching
beyond the clacking prayer wheel
I see the music played
I hear the colors displayed
I touch the forms
still morphing to be.

And I am comforted…
Life will continue
beyond the pale.
And every moan,
every groan,
every scream,
every laugh,
every note and song,
every poem and Hallelujah
and every story
will blend again
and in one omnipresent chorus
an Om will sound
that no one will hear
but all will Be.

agd 4.29.2020

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