
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Happy Birthday!

The sun rises,
a new day dawns
and I’ve reached another digit,
another trip around the star.
Less the responsibilities given,
more the dreams of possibilities
of far-off lands
beyond my ken,
beyond the range
of the 5 senses allowed
in this kingdom.

So I continue to eat, to clean,
to create a home,
to care for companions
who remind me of you,
in whom you are,
surrounding me with you,
telling me stories
I will never live
but which quench
my lust for Life
and will live in memory
no matter how real.

I am you.

You give me all I need
and all I need is you.
So, thank you.

Thank you...
for everything.  \**/


agd 10.18.2020


Friday, October 2, 2020

Not sorry.

 Oh yes - a weary world for most everyone. Conversation in Walmart - 2 women saying how their husbands don't believe the pandemic is real - it will disappear - why the masks? I interrupted - Better to be safe than sorry. I did want to say - Your husbands are selfish, stupid and uneducated and have no idea what's going on the world. Hope they, or you don't get it. Talk to families who HAVE kin who succumbed to the Covid 19 -- you might be better informed than listening to your husbands. Learn for yourself!."

O, Lord, when?  Well - King Cheeto and wife tested positive - I will not comment -- no need. I'm dealing with fleas - go to hell.
And so Life goes on - yes, perhaps this virus will run its course, but at what expense? I really do believe it is meant to cull the human population - but it's not very efficient,. Now - the Black Plague - THAT was efficient - did a great job of culling the population. The Great Floods - not too shabby. But the best was the dinosaur extinction period - wow!  Entire species wiped out - to make way for a new generation of beasties - us. 
Too cavalier? Maybe too honest - once you add morality into the mix, everything gets muddy. God has no morality - obviously - it's a human invention attributed to God. But of course, we are God, so ....... yeah, it is from her. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

First of Fall


First of Fall,

chilled air,

frozen windshield

to scrape

to see

to go

to gather the kits

to fuel their furnaces

to warm their hearts

to remind them

they are not forgotten…


and to hope a home

will welcome them soon.

Friday, August 21, 2020

I am not a Democrat


I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am not an Independent. I am not a Socialist. I am a natural-born citizen of the United States of America. I am an American.. And I am watching the demise of Democracy in this, our wonderful  U.S.A.  Democracy means that ALL the people have a say in the governing of the country – but we have become dichotomized – two camps (+) – Two camps vying for power and control. But all of you in Congress- you are in your position to work for and organize the wonders of this country for ALL us citizens  – not just for your “base.” That is base In itself – a rebounding to times of war as a way of life. We are better than that. We no longer should separate our leadership into “camps”, nor should the people be forced to “take sides”. We are ONE people, ONE Congress, with differences, yes, and that’s fine. Work’em out. But let’s stop this incendiary road to the destruction of a great society. ALL LIVES MATTER! We are ONE country, ONE society made up of many cultures – respect the cultures, respect your brothers and sisters – celebrate the differences.

We are in for greater challenges that need the cooperation of all the citizens for this society to survive. Be thankful for the freedoms you have, and work together for the good of all. Your possessions are not important – your family and community are more important. We often see how the good in us reach out to help those in need – let’s not forget that good – and continue to have compassion for our brothers and sisters, no matter who they are, what race they, what means they have.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco de Mayo

Uno for the one I love
Dos for eggs on toast
Tres for my Beloved’s embrace
Cuatro ain’t so macho
but Cinco in the maio
is a margarita to-die-foh!

agd 5.5.2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Blessing

I sought Wisdom
thinly disguised
in Life.
I did not see,
I did not hear,
‘til Love did guide
my eyes to see
and my ears to hear
in every voiced refrain…
May the Fourth
be with you….

ah-ah (Thermian humor)

agd 5.4.2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020



The opening of May
clears the skae
and summer,
fwumps upon us
without warning!

Hot midday sun
takes all the fun
out of gardening
the piddly plots
of perennial plants
vying for light,
and energy
to grow and mature
no matter the cost.

One done today …
the other …

agd 5.2.2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Light In The Rain

SoundCloud recording - Light In The Rain

Down the quiet road
upon the wetted carpet
of a million maplecopters
my shoes are rinsed
and upon my nylon roof
drumming, drumming
from the sky’s shedding, shedding
tears of release
as I stroll and breathe
the misted air.

And upon my ear
does fall the songs
of my neighbors,
filling the air
between the raindrops
with song,
with news,
with the aliveness
of the new day.

Gray is the sky,
but my heart
beams with a sparkling Light.

agd 4.30.2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Glimpse of Nowhere

A Glimpse of Nowhere - on SoundCloud

Down the quiet road
this misty morn
my eye raises to see
the eye of God
peering at me
thru the grayness
lighted by that yellow orb
that Life-giving death ray ---
and another day
has begun.

Upon the edge of nowhere
upon the blue haze of Gaia’s shawl
I stand suddenly
transported in awesome clarity.
I see no wall, no edge,
no top, no bottom,
but an endless nothing
which is yet something
and is everything---
from my fragile perch.

I know and I am known.

And yet the noir vista
is filled with Light
that casts no shadow.
It is filled with Life
that we may never know of
the variety,
the stories---
but all are heaped
onto the expanding
haystack of Being.

In the quiet
beyond the aural screeching
beyond the clacking prayer wheel
I see the music played
I hear the colors displayed
I touch the forms
still morphing to be.

And I am comforted…
Life will continue
beyond the pale.
And every moan,
every groan,
every scream,
every laugh,
every note and song,
every poem and Hallelujah
and every story
will blend again
and in one omnipresent chorus
an Om will sound
that no one will hear
but all will Be.

agd 4.29.2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Starting to post some recordings in SoundCloud.

Yes, I Can

Yes, I Can ( sound recording)

I am Oz.
I came to see you
up close,
to help you write
because I can.
I lay on your paper
on your calendar
to warm me
to inspire you
I can.
I’ll wait to play
red light (laser pen)
tell you when I’m ready
for snacks
because I can.
I trust you.
So write your words
craft your poem
even while Chloe
vies for love
because she can
because you can
and time draws us all
to the end.

agd 2.28.20

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Curse

Sound Recording: The Curse

The Curse

The wind blows
the sun glows
and a million helicopters
dance and show
that Spring is here
the skies have cleared
and Summer is near
in the cycle of the Great Star.

Fewer cars,
trains and planes,
less carbons, toxins
and pollutants.
Breathe easier,
my friends, for now,
and pray not the Corvid
doth you visit,
this purge,

Mother’s not happy
with all you have done
and there is nowhere from the sun
you can hide.
Truer than not,
the Chinese blessing
does ring true:
“May you live in interesting times.”

agd 4.27.2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Sound Recording: Solitude

The Art of Solitude
          The Practice of Wonder

She rocks on her porch
watching the kids cavort.
He peers at the vista
from a Parkway’s Watch Point.
She lays on the grass
pondering the stars so vast.
He sits against a tree
following the clouds to see
them constantly morphing.
He listens to his body
urging to ecstasy.
She communes with the baby
growing in her womb.
The child is awed
by a powder-blue butterfly.
An old woman marvels
at the magic of technology.
Music impels me to heaven's gate.
The cat turns inward…
what does he think?
Or does he just “be”?
Is he then better than me?

He knows solitude.
She practices wonder.
He knows she’s not alone.
She knows he’s connected.
They are saved.

agd 4.26.2020

Friday, April 24, 2020


Appear and grow
grow and create,
create and increase,
increase and fade,
fade and die
a billion times a second
in a billion billion worlds
under a billion billion stars
Such is Life
in innumerable dimensions---
Who can fathom
the orgasmic passion of it all?
Love on!

agd 4.24.2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020


It is not I who live,
but Thee who lives in me.

What I want is immaterial
unless it is for your gain.

Life is essentially a crapshoot,
but try to aim carefully anyway.

You cannot avoid collateral damage---
everything is connected.

By God’s will I exist ---
What an imagination!!

Thou art for me ---
I am for you, my brethren ---
and you are Him.

It obviously was a prediction
when Judy sang “Send In The Clowns.”

agd 4.23.2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Brother Wind

Sound Recording:

Pandemic virus or flu
No one knows what to do.
Should I seal up my home
so I won’t go out and roam?
Shall I ape the bear
and hibernate in my lair?
‘til God knows when
I’ll wake up again
and find that Bro. Wind
has cleared the land
of everything.

agd 4.22.2020 Earth Day

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Pay It Forward

He helped me
when I needed it most –
she helped me
and nothing was asked
to repay the gift
but to turn to another
and reseed the deed ---
paying it forward.

agd 4.21.2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Desert

Two-ton Teutons
boasting their girth,
armadillos and spiders
full of mirth,
tasting the air
after leaving their lair.
It’s chilly ---
Go get your shirt.
Stay dry.

agd 4.20.2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Poets recorded

We poets,
the Watchers,
perched upon the edge
not judging,
not condemning,
delving the meaning,
reading the signs
traversing the Web of Life
without being caught in it.

Oh yes, at times
jumping in,
immersed in and
drenched with Life ---
so easy to be lost
in the maelstrom
and forget who we are.

Yet, we poets,
perched on the rim,
sometimes wading in,
but wary of the tides,
knowing when to return
to the safety of the ledge,
‘til wings will grow
to carry the senses
across the oceans of Life,
reading the signs,
journeying the Web of Life
without being fooled by it
‘til the hour tolls
and I punch my card
and go home,
only to return
once again,
to observe
and watch
and pray.


agd 4.19.2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Up A Tree

Sound recording:

Up a Tree

He followed me
down the country lane,
much farther he came
than ever before.

My protector
my pal,
my walking buddy
meowing as he went
as if to say
“Wow, look at this!
Look at that!
Who knew?”

Then from the
fenced yard
the monster George showed
roaring aloud
arriving in a cloud
of dust.

Instincts flared
and George dared
the cat to run.
And terrified
Whitey fled up,
straight up,
and up and up
the old majestic pine.

But have no fear,
Whitey finally dared
to climb down
and then found
his way home.

agd 4.18.2020

agd 4.18.2020