Is it time to revisit
the drills of my childhood?
--Siron --Alert!
Get under the desk!
A lot THAT will do
to protect my neck!
You boys need to stop
your stupid antics.
You are angry children,
unloved, ego-driven,
bullying the world around you
with childish names
and fearful games.
Neither of you are worthy
of the leadership you've assumed.
How did that happen, anyway?
Who gave them such power?
Well, you did, folks. You did.
Some would say,
"Boys will be boys!"
But that just allows
the bullying to continue
trashing with so much
empty noise.
You both need a
smack in the head!
So rise up and relieve them,
put them in a corner,
and find wise,
compassionate leaders
who are not angry children,
but adults who know
how to imbue the Common Life
with the Tao of Peace.
Day 24
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