
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Gender Identity

Gender Identity. ... Chemical (physical /hormonal) and Spiritual (Soul Energy).. and the third element which is not discussed is the element of reincarnation.... how many lives as male..... how many lives as female, or any combination on the male/female meter? 
But we still CHOOSE a life as male or female .... for the experience. It is complicated, but not rocket science.
Of course, there are more complicated situations, and sexuality runs the gamut from the macho male to the feminine female. It is time to accept the facts - there is no NORMAL human life - we are all sepatated by degrees of gender intensity - controlled by hormones and soul memories which are not fully understood even by the best psychologists.
The most we can do is understand the complexity of human experience and respect the conundrum some individuals suffer through. We must also keep in mind the three elements mentioned above: Chemical, Spiritual, Metaphysical. And there is no "normal."

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