
Sunday, April 12, 2015

How deep is your ocean?

You see, most people live on the surface of reality =
I have not seen my friend in a week,
I MUST get together with him -
Thus I plan to meet him or talk with him
in order to reconfirm his existence,
and my need to contact him, physically/aurally.
-or -
Oh, that cheesecake was so good! -
I want another piece -
to reinforce the reality of the cheesecake.
So I have to make or buy the cheesecake
in order to confirm its existence
and to reinforce the pleasure of
eating it.

Consciousness (Reality)
is like an ocean.
The deeper one dives,
the more one realizes
the vastness of it -
the Infinity of Consciousness.
In the Infinity of Consciousness,
everything, EVERYTHING  exists -
and is connected,
and time dissolves into the Now.

In the depths of consciousness,
my friend is always there,
and I can visit with him - any time.
I can experience the cheesecake
- any time.
The flourless chocolate cake
tastes as good as if
I had it melting in my mouth.

On the surface of Consciousness
exists the individuality of separateness.
In the depths of Consciousness
exists the Union of Being - where
Everything is Connected.

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