
Friday, March 18, 2011

Connect the Dots

I am heartened by the powers of the world making a decision collectively to stop the violence and suffering of a people who need to be connected to the world-at-large.

But, Oh - p.s. - WTF is going on???  Libya - the beginning of the much prophesied armageddon in the Middle East? Could be --- it's going to be complicated by some grand, geophysical movements on our own continent - soon - China will reach out to "save" us, then kind of infiltrate more into our American systems. Then Islam will spread more rapidly. Christianity is a fat, spoiled kid - egotistical - needs a good spanking - and a diet - a real fasting - from idiot preachers who do not understand the essence of Jehoshua's teaching - peace at all costs, love your enemy, forgive, practice compassion. And I'm sorry, the Lord's teaching is difficult but complete - violence begets violence - peace begets peace. Do unto others as you would others do unto you.

In the meantime -- I encourage everyone to practice some form of meditation - making the essential spiritual connection, instead of just a "social" connection (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)  It's interesting that over the centuries, all the best practices of spirituality are sprouting into the "secular" world. Ex. - Prayer and meditation instill a connectivity, not only with the Universal Spirit of God, but with everyone and everything in creation - to the end that it is understood - Everything is Connected.  The tech. age has given birth to Social Networking, which is basically the same thing, but in the material world. Would that this social connectivity will teach us that the best connectivity we could nurture is becoming aware of the eternal spiritual network which underpins and energizes the material reality. This spiritual reality is our true home.

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