A Royal Wedding
I met Love today.
I saw him in their eyes,
in the wisp of their shared smiles
as they gazed perfectly
into each other's eyes
as they trothed each other
to a life in faith and
commitment and fealty.
I heard Love today
in passionate words
meant to stir our hearts
to fathom Love's power,
beseeching all ears
to step out in risk
and transform a tormented world,
to disburden the anguished,
and to banish poverty to the
archives of history.
I saw Love today,
in the giggles of lovers,
in their responsive eyes,
in their fearless touches.
I know Love today,
for I know God,
and God is Love.
agd - May 19, 2018 - The Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.