
Monday, September 12, 2016

Only One, True Sangha (Community)

We all want to belong.
We all want to experience
meaning and purpose.
We all want to know love.

Therefore, we join ---
I marry.
I am Christian.
I am Jewish.
I am Buddhist.
I am Muslim.
We can say the same
for culture or politics ---
I am American.
I am French, Chinese, Democrat.

But the real Sangha (community of one mind and heart)
is more basic,
and even as it is so simple a concept,
it is difficult to achieve ---

I am human.

And every practice
born of "religion" (which means to link together, to be of one mind and heart),
or born of culture,
when stripped of its veneer of
language, ritual, dogma
and Teacher ---
is the same.

I am human.
I am soul.
I am Soul.

manage your own journey,
but respect every road

which leads home.


Saturday, September 10, 2016


Hot, sultry Saturday morning,
80 degrees at 10 am --
a bit warm for Sept. 10, 2016,
the effects of a world
enamored with industry
and progress.

And life just follows
the seasons….
a leaf parachuting to earth
in joy and abandon.
Leaves swirled by the changing winds
born of cool and warmth,
the tans and browns
of grasses due to the heat
and no rain.
A stick bug clinging to the wall
for a time, then disappearing
into the vegetation - so clever!
Wooly caterpillars humping
their way across the road,
Good luck!

But the heat,
the humidity…
almost too much to bear,
will be forgotten in
the short, icy days of January.

Thank God for central air!!


Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Moment

Alone with Clio,
her pearl-white body bent,
pressing gently against by shoulder,
her cool skin warming
with the touch of my embrace
and with the wrapping of my thighs,
and with the warmth of my breath,
her voice sweetens
and sparkles in my soul --
a tune inspired

only Clio and I can sing.
