
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Soul memory

After all these years, I've stopped labeling myself or others for that matter. It's such a foolish system we have - once declared, always the same - not!  I have made my own the words of a mid-east mystic, Hafiz - 
"... The truth has shared so much of itself with me that I can no longer call myself a man, a woman, an angel or even a pure soul....." 
Every human is a mix of male and female, some more male, some more female. Many factors play a part, and part of it comes from many lives in this material dimension as both male and female. This I believe. It's why some men feel "like a woman" inside, and some women feel "like a man" - from a sense or "memory" of past lives as the opposite sex.  Genetics and chemical balance play a part also, but we cannot leave out the reality of multi-incarnations. Strong soul-memories of opposite sex experiences can inform the present incarnation, and sometimes override the "norm."