
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Imagine there's no heaven....
no hell below us ......
Imagine there's no countries,
nothing to kill or die for,
and no religion, too.
Imagine all the people living for today...
living life in peace....
A brotherhood of man

John Lennon was a mystic who was not afraid to speak out. What he imagined was to make THIS world more like the dimension of life WE ALL COME FROM and to which we will all return. Jesus taught the same -- The Kingdom of God is within you (our true home), where there is only peace, harmony, respect, compassion and where Love is practiced in its purity - which is not a Polyanna attitude, but again, one of respect and compassion, where challenges are offered and discussed with the wisdom of experience. This perfect world of the spirit is in opposition to this world of matter, where it is not peace which rules, but war.
That's right. This material world is a world of warring. It's all around us - it's endemic to our human history. It comes from the fact that this is a world of duality (Greeks), and everything exists here somewhere on the scale from minimum to extreme, black to white, compassion and apathy, love and hate, cold and hot, male and female, peace and war. What for? It is what it is.
We choose to enter into this world, even if we cannot "remember" that we made the choice or why. This is a place of lessons, a place of challenges and risks, hopefully for our own good and for the benefit of others, but that often doesn't always pan out as we might plan. We are here to learn how to balance the two extremes, to work through the challenges, to take the risks which bring greater personal fulfillment, and which often can be beneficial to others. The soul who risks everything for others is the soul who has learned the greatest lesson of all - we exist not for ourselves, but for others.
And yes, this is a World of Wars, and when we acknowledge THAT, we can work at bringing about a BALANCE in which we can truly live in peace. Imagine that.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hierarchy of Souls

I am more and more amazed that Christianity has, for so many centuries, twisted the understanding of the Afterlife and created a fear of death and a fear of the afterlife in its adherents. Why is that? It is truly an example of man creating God in a human image, and not understanding the heart of God. Jesus taught us to love God, and that God is Love. And we "say" (but do we believe) that Jesus conquered death - not just for himself, but for all, teaching us not to fear death, a necessary part of human, material life. So what's to fear? Fear is a part of material life, judgement is a part of material life, of human ways, not of God's ways. In this beautiful but limited world, humans have created an hierarchy of life which has been handed down for thousands of generations. There are leaders and there are followers - there are the responsible (righteous) and the irresponsible (criminals) - and we judge in each culture what the parameters of acceptable behavior are, and what the appropriate action should be taken to right the wrongs, or to praise the righteous.
Aggh - this is getting too wordy!! The skinny ---  The hierarchy of human life functions through authority and power created in each culture on earth. Acceptable behavior is lauded; unacceptable behavior is punished.  And we fear the judgement of our actions.
The Hierarchy of the Afterlife is  quite different -- It is not an hierarchy of power and authority, but an hierarchy of Wisdom, Understanding and Compassion. Sure, we have to acknowledge our errors and review our life and the choices we made, both good and bad, but there is NO ONE there to condemn us for our mistakes. We have guides and soulmates who help us to look honestly at our previous life and to glean what we can for our own growth and fulfillment. Fear and shame give way to understanding and responsibility for our actions, and the karma we have created can be molded into a new life and experience in the earth.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

This is it!

What more do you need to know?? And this was known way before organized religion took control!

Come Home!

If you sometimes think about the real nature of life and ask, "What's it all about, Alfie?", you are not alone. Do you want the skinny on your place in the universe? Do you want to know if God really exists, or what happens when we cross over from this life to "heaven"? Are you curious about what "heaven" is like? Then you should read Michael Newton, Ph.D.'s book, "Journey of Souls." All through my life I have been led to several books which relate in content and each book affirms the truth in the other books. Lately, the books I am reading are deeply profound and nourishing. Dr. Newton has done extensive research through hypnotherapy to reveal truths about reality which many of us have only intuited, and of which religion has tried to teach. I LOVE this guy!! His work is monumental, and reveals so much about our relationship to God and to each other. 
Spiritual teachers like Jesus and Buddha tried to teach the truth about ourselves and God, but because their disciples were caught up in religious trappings, much of their insights were not honestly conveyed. Dr. Newton, and other contemporary souls, like Eckhart Tolle and Concetta Bertoldi, put into contemporary and understandable terms what reality is like. Our generation needs to read their words and take to heart their understanding of our "Life". It will challenge your religious understanding, but will deepen and strengthen your Faith.
By the way, if you look at the word "LIFE" as an anagram of Love, Intelligence, Faith and Energy, and remove the "F" for faith, you wind up with "LIE". Life without Faith is a lie. It is only with the eyes of Faith that we can see and understand ANYthing about Life.
Read "Journey of Souls"!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dios esta en el aire que respiro

"On the Other Side, love is the constant state, the air we breathe."  Concetta Bertoldi.  "Inside The Other Side"
When I was ministering to the Spanish-speaking community in Hendersonville, NC, I came across a hymn, which I put in the title of this post. It translates to: God is in the very air that I breathe. I fell in love with the hymn because of its message - it is the insight of a mystic, of an old soul who has learned to see God in everyTHING and in everyONE. And here, Concetta uses the same concept - serendipity.

A clear understanding

"God has given each and every one of us gifts; He has given us all we need to love and be loved, to be happy and succeed both in spiritual terms and in earthly terms. We might resist believing this because on this side of the veil everything we do meets opposition. Expressing our love can be scary; using our gifts and getting to that happiness can require tough decisions and actions from us. In heaven [the Other Side-dimension] we have complete fulfillment, but here we need to work with[in] the constraints of the physical world. We have things to push against and overcome. Be we can do or be anything that is within our nature, and our guardian angels [and advanced souls], as emissaries of God, will be there to help us with our endeavors."

from "Inside The Other Side" by Concetta Bertoldi
Note: [ ] = my additions