
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Middle East Turmoil: A Sign of Thing to Come

The turmoil in the Middle East is only a sign of things to come. The unrest and anxiety that peoples are experiencing all over the world are signs of the stress and impending geophysical change the planet earth is to experience within the next two years. Geologists understand that the crust of the earth is always on the move. It is not surprising that we have earthquakes and volcanic activity. These events are normal, and have been happening since the birth of this planet.
Human beings have multiplied to a point to which the planet may not be able to support us. Industrialization and the need for more and more fuel (food, oil, etc.) have raped the earth, causing major chemical changes in the air, in the water, and in the land. All of life is affected, from bacteria to plants, to aquatic life, fowl, animals and humans. It was reported today that baby dolphins are dying in record numbers. There have been reports of massive fish kills, bird kills, amphibian kills, dying bee communities. How much more proof do we need that our technology for a "better life" is taking its toll on the environment we depend on for physical life?
These are all signs of impending change. What kind of change? Human technology has tipped the natural balance. Mother Nature can only react to restore balance. We have not listened to the peoples who have lived in symbiosis with nature for centuries. Their understanding, their visions, their prophecies should be taken more seriously. But how do we turn an about face from the racing momentum of "progress"? The economic machine has taken control of the present, endangering the future. We have not listened to the prophets who time and again have encouraged humanity to level the playing field: Share your goods, take care of the poor, provide for those in need. There are too many cancerous growths in the planet, a kind of mirror to the epidemic of cancer in animal and human bodies.
Nature will level the playing field. Capitalist economics is destroying the world - creating the chasm between the unempathic haves and the pained have-nots. But each of us, in our individual venues (areas of influence - family, work, community) can help to restore the balance for the sake of our own peace and spiritual health.
Love one another; do not hate anyone; help others when they ask for your help; give to those who beg from you; pray for the good of the world community, and especially for your enemies, if you think you have them. Such prayer can change the energy of the earth itself - it can restore balance by restoring peace and understanding.
There are abundant resources for all, if only the economic system could be revised to spread out the wealth and resources so that everyone can live a content, loving and purposeful life.